Famous American Coney Island Adds Pole-Wrap

Famous American Coney Island Adds Pole-Wrap
It started with a call to Grace Keros whose grandfather had founded the American Coney Island. Constantine "Gust" Keros started as a street vendor in 1917 on this very same famous corner in the heart of Detroit. Pole-Wrap owner Laurie Coleman had heard Grace being interviewed on the radio for a segment called "Women Who Lead". Laurie remembered that Grace's popular downtown restaurant had two prominent structural support columns in the front window that would be an ideal application for Pole-Wrap. Because Laurie wanted Pole-Wrap to be a part of this wonderful Detroit icon and beautiful location convenient for all of the downtown arenas and sports venues, she offered to finish the columns at no charge. Grace was so happy with the results that she sweetened the deal with delicious ACI dinners for all involved! Following are photos taken while the project was being completed. We all had great fun! 

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